
Internet Speed Meter Lite APK 1.6.6-lite


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Internet Speed Meter Lite APK is a free program for Android devices developed by DynamicApps. This lightweight app allows you to easily monitor your internet speed and track the amount of data used on your device.

With Internet Speed Meter Lite, you can conveniently view your current internet speed in real-time right in the status bar of your device. This feature enables you to keep an eye on your network connection at all times, ensuring that you are aware of any fluctuations or issues.

In addition to displaying your internet speed, this app also provides a notification pane that shows the amount of data used. This information is useful for keeping track of your data usage and managing your internet plan effectively.

The notification pane can be displayed in a dialog box, and you have the option to choose whether to show it in the status bar or the notification pane. This flexibility allows you to customize the display according to your preferences.

Internet Speed Meter Lite APK is designed to seamlessly integrate with the Android system. Once you install and start using the app, it will automatically update and provide you with accurate and up-to-date information about your internet speed and data usage.

Download Internet Speed Meter Lite APK now and take control of your network connection. Stay informed about your internet speed and data usage with this convenient and user-friendly app.

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